Bibliography of Critique of Value and Value-Dissociation
Texts in English
Hemmens, Alastair. The Critique of Work in Modern French Thought, from Charles Fourier to Guy Debord. London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
Jappe, Anselm. The Writing on the Wall. On the Decomposition of Capitalism and its Critics. Translated by Alastair Hemmens. London: Zero Books, 2017.
Krisis Group, The Manifesto Against Labour. 1999. Exit-online.org
Kurz, Robert. The Substance of Capital. Translated by Robin Halpin. London: Chronos Publications, 2016.
Larsen, Neil, Mathias Nilges, Josh Robinson and Nicholas Brown. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014.
Postone, Moishe. Time, Labour and Social Domination. A Reinterpretation of Marx’s Critical Theory. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Vincent, Jean-Marie. Abstract Labour. A Critique. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1991.
Flatschart, Elmar. Crisis, Energy, and the Value Form of Gender: Towards a Gender-Sensitive Materialist Understanding of Society-Nature Relations. Materialism and the Critique of Energy. Edited by Brent Ryan Bellamy and Jeff Diamanti. Chicago: MCM’, 2018. pp. 121-160.
Jappe, Anselm. “Common Decency” or Corporatism? Observations on the Work of Jean-Claude Michéa. The Writing on the Wall. On the Decomposition of Capitalism and its Critics. Translated by Alastair Hemmens. London: Zero Books, 2017. pp. 104-125.
Jappe, Anselm. Degrowthers, One More Effort If You Want to Be Revolutionaries! The Writing on the Wall. On the Decomposition of Capitalism and its Critics. Translated by Alastair Hemmens. London: Zero Books, 2017. pp. 126-132.
Jappe, Anselm. Fetishism. SAGE 2020. (Forthcoming).
Jappe, Anselm. From One Utopia to Another. The Writing on the Wall. On the Decomposition of Capitalism and its Critics. Translated by Alastair Hemmens. London: Zero Books, 2017. pp. 133-138.
Jappe, Anselm. Has Money Become Obsolete. 2011. Exit-online.org
Jappe, Anselm. Is There an Art After the End of Art? The Writing on the Wall. On the Decomposition of Capitalism and its Critics. Translated by Alastair Hemmens. London: Zero Books, 2017. pp. 156-166.
Jappe, Anselm. Kurz, A Journey into Capitalism’s Heart of Darkness. Translated by Alastair Hemmens. Historical Materialism. 22 (3-4). December 2014.
Jappe, Anselm. Politics without Politics. The Writing on the Wall. On the Decomposition of Capitalism and its Critics. Translated by Alastair Hemmens. London: Zero Books, 2017. pp. 33-43.
Jappe, Anselm. Sohn-Rethel and the Origin of ‘Real Abstraction’: A Critique of Production or a Critique of Circulation. Historical Materialism. 21 (1). pp. 3-14.
Jappe, Anselm. The “Dark Side” of Value and the Gift. The Writing on the Wall. On the Decomposition of Capitalism and its Critics. Translated by Alastair Hemmens. London: Zero Books, 2017. pp. 84-103.
Jappe, Anselm. The Cat, the Mouse, Culture and the Economy. The Writing on the Wall. On the Decomposition of Capitalism and its Critics. Translated by Alastair Hemmens. London: Zero Books, 2017. pp. 140-155.
Jappe, Anselm. The Metaphysical Subtleties of the Commodity. 2011. libcom.org*
Jappe, Anselm. The Princesse de Clèves Today. The Writing on the Wall. On the Decomposition of Capitalism and its Critics. Translated by Alastair Hemmens. London: Zero Books, 2017. pp. 14-32.
Jappe, Anselm. The Writing on the Wall. The Writing on the Wall. On the Decomposition of Capitalism and its Critics. Translated by Alastair Hemmens. London: Zero Books, 2017. pp. 60-82.
Jappe, Anselm. Towards a History of the Critique of Value. Translated by Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro and Alastair Hemmens. Capitalism Nature Socialism. April 2014.
Jappe, Anselm. Violence to What End? The Writing on the Wall. On the Decomposition of Capitalism and its Critics. Translated by Alastair Hemmens. London: Zero Books, 2017. pp. 44-59.
Krisis Group. Crash Course. 2008. Krisis.org
Kurz, Robert, The Ontological Break: Before the Beginning of a Different World History. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014. pp. 357-372.
Kurz, Robert. A World Without Money. Translated by Claudia Régissaert and Petra Haarmann. 2004. Exit-online.org
Kurz, Robert. Anti-Economics and Anti-Politics: On the Reformulation of Social Emancipation After the End of “Marxism”. 2012. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Beneath Contempt. Translated by Doerte Letzmann and Robert Halpin. No Revolution Anywhere. London: Chronos Publications, 2012. pp. 39-48.
Kurz, Robert. Capital and History. Translated by Parker Everett. 2009. Exit-online.org
Kurz, Robert. Dollar Inflation. Translated by Contracorriente. 2003. Exit-online.org
Kurz, Robert. Domination Without a Subject. Part 1. Part 2. 2011. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Double Devalorization. 2012. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Economic Euthanasia. 2013. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Female Virtues. The Crisis of Feminism and the Postmodern Management. 2003. Exit-online.org
Kurz, Robert. Grey is the Golden Tree of Life, Green is Theory. 2007. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Hysterical Populism. Krisis. Contributions to the Critique of Commodity Society. The Boomerang Series. 8. Chronos Publications. pp. 20-25.
Kurz, Robert. Labour without Value. 2012. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Marx 2000. Krisis: Marx 2000. The Boomerang Series. 9. London: Chronos Publications, 2002.
Kurz, Robert. No Revolution Anywhere. No Revolution Anywhere. London: Chronos Publications, 2012. pp. 30-38.
Kurz, Robert. On the Current Global Economic Crisis: Questions and Answers. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014. pp. 331-356.
Kurz, Robert. Overproduction. 2012. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Parables of Big Brother. 2003. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Paradoxes of Human Rights. 2011. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Reading Marx in the 21st Century. 2001. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Realists and Fundamentalists. Krisis. Contributions to the Critique of Commodity Society. The Boomerang Series. 8. Chronos Publications. pp. 14-19.
Kurz, Robert. Robotics and Labor: The Nightmares of Reified Consciousness. 2012. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. The “Big Bang” of Modernity. Translated by John Carroll. 2011. Exit-online.org
Kurz, Robert. The Apotheosis of Money: The Structural Limits of Capital Valorization, Casino Capitalism and the Global Financial Crisis. 2012. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. The Crisis of Exchange Value: Science as Productivity, Productive Labor, and Capitalist Reproduction. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014. pp. 17-76.
Kurz, Robert. The Culture Industry in the 21st Century. 2010. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. The Decline of the Middle Class. Translated by John Carroll. 2006. Exit-online.org
Kurz, Robert. The Degradation of Culture. Krisis. Contributions to the Critique of Commodity Society. The Boomerang Series. 8. Chronos Publications. pp. 9-13.
Kurz, Robert. The Destructive Origins of Capitalism. 2011. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. The End of Politics. Theses on the Crisis of the Regulatory System of the Commodity Form. 2011. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. The Expropriation of Time. 2011. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. The Fatal Pressure of Competition. 2002. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. The German War Economy and State Socialism. 2011. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. The Heyday of Corruption and the End of Corporatism. 2013. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. The Ignorance of the Society of Knowledge. 2013. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. The Lost Honor of Labor: Socialism of the Producers as Logical Impossibility. 2011. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. The Mechanism of Corrosion. 2002. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. The New Historical Simultaneity: The End of Modernization and the Beginning of Another World History. 2004. Exit-online.org
Kurz, Robert. The New Historical Simultaneity: The End of Modernization and the Beginning of Another World History. 2004. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. The Nightmare of Freedom: The Foundations of “Western Values” and the Helplessness of Critique. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014. pp. 285-292.
Kurz, Robert. The Political Economy of Human Rights. 2002. libcom.org
Kurz, Robert. The Stalemate of Two Economic Models. 2012. libcom.org
Kurz, Robert. The War Against the Jews. 2009. Exit-online.org
Kurz, Robert. Totalitarian Economy and Paranoia of Terror. Krisis. Contributions to the Critique of Commodity Society. The Boomerang Series. 8. Chronos Publications. pp. 26-31
Kurz, Robert. What is Tertiarization? Translated by John Carroll. 2007. Exit-online.org
Kurz, Robert. World Power and World Money: The Economic Function of the U.S. Military Machine within Global Capitalism and the Background of the New Financial Crisis. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014. pp. 187-200.
Larsen, Neil. Reflections on “Globalisation Theory” and the Crisis in Argentina. 2004. Krisis.org
Larsen, Neil. The Idiom of Crisis. 2006. Krisis.org
Larsen, Neil. Thoughts on Violence and Modernity in Latin America. 2004. Krisis.org
Lewed, Karl-Heinz. Curtains for Universalism: Islamism as Fundamentalism in Modern Social Form. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014. pp. 293-330.
Lewed, Karl-Heinz. No Work, Instead of Precarious Work. 2004. Krisis.org
Loeffler, Mark. Populists and Parasites: On Producerist Reason. Transformations of Populism in Europe and the Americas. Edited by John Abromeit. London and New York: Bloomsbury, 2017. pp. 265-292.
Lohoff, Ernst and Norbert Trenkle. Introduction to The Great Devaluation. 2012. Krisis.org
Lohoff, Ernst. Leftward Swing to the Right. Translated by Joe Keady. 2012. Krisis.org
Lohoff, Ernst. Off Limits, Out of Control: Commodity Society and Resistance in the Age of Deregulation and Denationalization. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014. pp. 151-186.
Lohoff, Ernst. The World Is (Not) a Commodity. Translated by Richard Torres. 2002. Krisis.org.
Lohoff, Ernst. Violence as the Order of things and the Logic of Annihilation. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014. pp. 225-284.
Martin, Facundo Nahuel, Juan Diego Juan Diego González Rúa. The Master of Time. A Semblance of Moishe Postone (1942-2018). 2019. Krisis.org
Ortleib, Claus Peter, A Contradiction between Matter and Form: On the Significance of the Production of Relative Surplus Value in the Dynamic of Terminal Crisis. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014. pp. 77-122.
Ortleib, Claus Peter. In Memory of Robert Kurz (1943-2012). 2012. Libcom.org*
Ortleib, Claus Peter. The Lost Innocence of Productivity. Translated by John Carroll. 2011. Exit-online.org
Postone, Moishe. Anti-Semitism and National Socialism: Notes on the German Reaction to “Holocaust”. In Germans and Jews since the Holocaust, edited by Anson Rabinbach and Jack Zipes. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1986.
Postone, Moishe. Thinking the Global Crisis. South Atlantic Quarterly. Spring 2012.
Scholz, Roswitha. Patriarchy and Commodity Society: Gender without the Body. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014. pp. 123-142.
Trenkle, Norbert. On the Unspoken Premises of an Odd Retro-Discourse. Translated by Jo Keady. 2005. Krisis.org
Trenkle, Norbert. Presenting the Krisis Group’s Manifesto Against Labor. 2001. libcom.org*
Trenkle, Norbert. Rise and Fall of the Working Man. 2010. Krisis.org
Trenkle, Norbert. Struggle without Classes: Why There Is No Resurgence of the Proletariat in the Currently Unfolding Capitalist Crisis. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014. pp. 201-224.
Trenkle, Norbert. Terror of Labour. Krisis. Contributions to the Critique of Commodity Society. The Boomerang Series. 8. Chronos Publications. pp. 3-8.
Trenkle, Norbert. The “Return of the State” as Crisis Administrator. Translated by Josh Robinson. 2009. Krisis.org
Trenkle, Norbert. The Other Marx. Why the Communist Manifesto is Obsolete. 2019. Krisis.org
Trenkle, Norbert. The Rise and Fall of the Working Man: Towards a Critique of Modern Masculinity. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014. pp. 143-150.
Trenkle, Norbert. Tremors on the Global Market. Translated by Josh Robinson. 2009. Krisis.org
Trenkle, Norbert. Value and Crisis: Basic Questions. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014. pp. 1-16.
Wölflingseder, Maria. Gross Social Happiness. Translated and abridged by Marc Batko. 2009. Krisis.org
Jappe, Anselm. We Gotta Get Outta This Place. Interview with Anselm Jappe by Alastair Hemmens. Brooklyn Rail. September 2015.
Kurz, Robert. By Way of Presentation. Interview with Robert Kurz by Luc Mercier, Olivier Galtier and Wolfgang Kukulies. No Revolution Anywhere. London: Chronos Publications, 2012. pp. 10-29.
Kurz, Robert. Interview on the Black Book of Capitalism. 2011. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Interview with IHU Online. 2012. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Interview with Robert Kurz by José Galisi Filho. 2006. libcom.org
Kurz, Robert. Interview with Robert Kurz. Interview by Sonia Montaño. 2006. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Interview with Robert Kurz. Interviewed by Marcus Peixoto. 2013. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Interview with Telepolis. Telepolis. 2008. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. Marx’s Theory, The Crisis and the Abolition of Capitalism. 2010. libcom.org*
Kurz, Robert. The Road to Barbarism. Interview by Anselm Massad. 2011. libcom.org
Lohoff, Ernst and Norbert Trenkle. Ernst Lohoff and Norbert Trenkle Discuss the Economic and Financial Crisis. Interview with Reinhard Jellen in three parts. Part 1: Making Every Central Bank a Bad Bank. Part 2: The Economic Crisis and Fictitious Capital. Part 3. Neoliberalism Turned into the Godfather of the Finance Industry. 2012. Krisis.org
Postone, Moishe. Critical Theory of Capitalism Today. YARIM. 2005. Krisis.org
Postone, Moishe. Zionism, Antisemitism and the Left. Interviewed by Martin Thomas. Solidarity 3. 166. 4 February 2010. Krisis.org.
Trenkle, Norbert. The So-Called Western Values Are Only the Other Side of Culturalism. YARIN. 2005. Krisis.org
Hemmens, Alastair. Labour, A ‘Rational’ Abstraction? Robert Kurz’s The Substance of Capital and Resolving the Labour Aporia in Marx. Marx and Philosophy Society Conference. 2017.
Hemmens, Alastair. The Dialectics of Work: Labour as Real Abstraction, Thought Abstraction and Abstract Universality. Cardiff University and Cambridge University. 2019.
Kurz, Robert. World Economic Crisis, Social Movements and Socialism. 12 Theses. 2009. libcom.org*
Lamas, Bruno. The “Explosion of the City” and the Trajectory of Capitalism. Lisbon Architecture Triennale. Lisbon. 2/10/2013.
Postone, Moishe. Lecture on Capital. Chapters 1 to 5. Congrès Marx International. Paris October 2007. www.canalc2.tv/video.asp?idVideo=7033&voir=oui
Trenkle, Norbert. Crisis Theory in a Crisis Society. Interview by Timo Ahonen and Markus Termonen. Megafoni. 2003. Krisis.org
Trenkle, Norbert. Labour in the Era of Fictitious Capital. Translated by Joe Keady. Never Work Conference. Cardiff University. 10 July 2015. Krisis.org
Trenkle, Norbert. Workout: The Crisis of Labor and the Limits of Capitalist Society. Rethinking the Future of Work. ICUB Research Institute of the University of Bucharest. 27-28 April 2018. krisis.org
Jappe, Anselm. Preface. The Writing on the Wall. On the Decomposition of Capitalism and its Critics. Translated by Alastair Hemmens. London: Zero Books, 2017. pp. 1-11.
Larsen, Neil, Mathias Nilges, Josh Robinson and Nicholas Brown. Introduction. Marxism and the Critique of Value. Chicago: MCM’, 2014. pp. ix-li.
Meyer, Thomas. Editorial. Exit! November 2018.
Prigent, Michel, Robin Halpin and Sean Delaney. Introduction. No Revolution Anywhere. London: Chronos Publications, 2012. pp. 5-9.
Trenkle, Norbert. Foreword to the Manifesto Against Labour. 1999. Krisis.org
Bibliographer’s Notes
1. Entries marked with * are unofficial translations by Alias Reclus that are not translated from the original language in which the text first appeared, i.e. a translation of a translation, and should be read with this fact in mind.
2. This is a working document. I have yet to add, for example, further articles and talks by Moishe Postone.